Should I Leave My Pool Cover on All the Time?

Covering your pool each day is important for maintaining pool clarity and retaining heat. Without a pool cover, debris would constantly fall into the water, which would clog the filtration system. Because pool covers are such an important part of pool maintenance, you may be led to believe that they should be kept on throughout the day. You may even find yourself asking the question, “Should I leave my pool cover on all the time?”

As a rule of thumb you should not leave your pool cover on all the time. In fact, taking your pool cover off on a humid, sunny day can help heat your pool, which in turn lowers your running costs. On windy days, consider using a transparent or bubble cover to prevent water evaporation.

If you’re still wondering about the benefits of keeping a pool cover off, read on! Today, we’ll take a closer look at the advantages of taking pool covers off, and why you don’t need to use a pool cover 24/7.

Should I Leave My Pool Cover On Or Off During the Day?

Pool covers are important for pool maintenance during both the swimming season and the winter. By using a pool cover during the summer and the winter, a pool may be kept clean and safe to swim in. However, there may be times that using a pool cover is not necessary. In fact, you may consider not using your pool cover at all during the day.

In short, pool covers do not need to be kept on pools during the day. By covering the pool at night and uncovering it during the day, you can save time heating your pool’s water. Because dry, windy weather may increase evaporation, it is recommended to remove the cover only on humid, sunny days.

Although pool covers prevent heat from escaping when the temperature drops, removing a pool cover during the day is more effective for heating pool water faster. When a pool cover is kept on, the water is likely to be warm on the top and cold on the bottom. On the other hand, when the cover is taken off, the sun will aid in heating the entire pool. As a result, you may not spend as much on energy costs.

Of course, running a pool without a pool cover may increase evaporation. For this reason, it is recommended to use a transparent or bubble cover for the pool on dry, windy days. Additionally, pool covers should be replaced at night to retain the heat in your pool.

During the winter, a pool cover should be kept on your pool at all times. Solar blankets are recommended, as they’ll keep your pool heated while still preventing debris from falling into the pool. Thus, using a pool cover during the winter will prolong the life of your entire pool, including its equipment.

Benefits of Taking a Pool Cover Off During the Day

There are countless benefits to removing a pool’s cover during the day. As we’ve previously mentioned, taking a pool cover off during the day will save time and energy for heating the pool. This is one of the greatest benefits of keeping a pool cover off during warm weather.

A common issue pool owners face is uneven temperatures in the pool. When a cover is kept on the pool, the pool’s heater may not evenly heat the water. Although pool covers are great for retaining heat when the temperature lowers, there is not much purpose in using them during warm weather. By removing the cover during the day, the sun will aid in heating the water, allowing the entire pool to become heated. Thus, you won’t have to worry about uneven temperatures in the water during the swimming season.

Another reason to remove a pool cover during the day is to prolong the lifespan of the cover. Simply put, the more often you use your pool cover, the more likely it is to rip or tear. Even when a cover is tightly secured to the pool, the elements will put stress on the cover’s seams. Not only is the cover prone to ripping, but it may become loose as a result. This, in turn, increases the risk of debris falling in the water.

Even during rainy weather, it is recommended to keep pool covers off. Because a storm may lift the cover off the pool, it is better to keep the cover off until the rain has passed. Keeping a cover on during rainy weather may also cause rainwater to put stress on the cover, which ultimately causes the cover to sag.

When to Use a Pool Cover

Although there may be times when a pool cover isn’t necessary for your pool, this is in no way a reason to get rid of your pool cover altogether. Pool covers offer many benefits during both the summer and the winter. Understanding when to use a pool cover can increase the longevity of both your pool and the cover itself.

Ideally, a pool cover should be used when the pool is not in use. However, if you plan on going for an evening swim, you may prefer to keep the cover off to speed up the process of heating the water. Always cover your pool at night, as doing so will retain the heat as well as prevent debris from falling in the water.

Because evaporation is a major concern, pool covers should be used whenever the weather is dry or windy. In addition to reducing evaporation, using a cover during windy weather will prevent debris from blowing into your pool. If you still want the sun to help heat the pool, you may consider using a transparent cover. Alternatively, a solar cover may be used to promote solar energy for heating the water.

Another time to use pool covers is when winterizing your pool. Installing a pool cover will keep your pool protected from the elements throughout the entire winter season. When installing a pool cover, always make sure it is firmly secured to the pool. Depending on the type of cover you have, you may be able to lock the cover in place. Securing the cover ensures the cover won’t sag and debris won’t enter the water.

Jed Arnold

Jed spent every year from the ages of 15 - 22 as a Lifeguard (Red Cross) and ages of 17 - 22 as a Certified Pool Operator (CPO). Between working for over a dozen facilities and owning a pool, he carries over a decade of pool experience.

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